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Company B Jazz Band

Since their inception in 2007, Company B Jazz Band have been featured at music venues and festivals all over British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. At the request of the 2009 Pender Harbour Jazz Festival, the group’s members arranged two hours’ worth of their music for a big band, which was a smash hit at the festival. Company B has delighted audiences in many of the premier venues in the Vancouver area, including the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, the Vancouver East Cultural Centre, the Vancouver Club and West Vancouver’s Silk Purse, and they have become a popular act in their thriving local swing dancing community.

Company B has been featured on CBC Radio Two’s Canada Live series, seen on CBC Television and on CFJC’s Midday Show (Kamloops, BC), and they have been featured guests several times on CiTR’s Sweet and Hot radio program. Their self-titled debut CD has received rave reviews from people all over Canada and the US. Company B is available to play at dances, corporate events, weddings, private parties, festivals, and any other type of occasion.

Company B is the quintessential cat’s meow!

Barbara Chirinos, Vancouver International Film Festival


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